The Power Of A Gratitude Journal

by | Jun 13, 2022 | Gratitude

Do you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life?

 Here’s a super simple tool that can help!
A gratitude journal can be a powerful way to increase how you feel about yourself and what you do.
If becoming a happier and more content person is one of your personal self-improvement goals, this is something you’re going to want to try.

The Power Of A Gratitude Journal

The Power Of Gratitude

Why does gratitude have such a beneficial effect on our health and mental wellbeing?
Study after study shows that when we spend time contemplating the things we are thankful for, we increase our level of contentment.
But, obviously, it goes deeper than that.
Practising gratitude has been shown to lower blood pressure, and even reduce physical pain and anxiety.
The end result is that we feel better all over.

Practising gratitude helps us focus on the positive.

It’s nice to review the good things that are happening to us on a daily basis.
Our brain tends to have a negative bias.
This means that we’re more likely to remember and think about negative thoughts and events.
Gratitude helps us bring balance by focusing our thoughts and attention to the positive.

Why Write In A Gratitude Journal?

Gratitude is hugely beneficial but how do we turn it into a regular habit?
That’s why you need a journal.
It’s a physical reminder to focus on your thoughts each day.

Get in the habit of writing three things you’re grateful for.

This could be done first thing in the morning or as part of your evening routine.
Find a time and place that works for you and make it a daily habit.
When we always say we are going to think about something grateful every day, but it’s easy to forget to do it. Life gets in the way.
Writing it down focuses our thoughts and makes us really think about the people and things we’re grateful for.

You can’t jot down a fleeting thought.

You have to put some effort into formulating it.
The physical act of writing it down enforces the thought and makes it stick out in our memories.
You’ve experienced this fact when you’ve written down a grocery list and forgotten it at home.
It’s much easier to remember the items on it when you’re at the store than if you’ve been trying to compile a mental list.
Keeping a gratitude journal also creates a lasting record of everything you have to be grateful for in your life.

Go back and read your previous entries.

After a few weeks of writing in it regularly, you have powerful and lasting proof of everything good and positive.
It will be a great resource to lift your mood and increase your contentment on days when it’s hard to feel happy otherwise.

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